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Manual Cyclic Pumps

Single-shot central lubrication pumps for applications requiring infrequent lubrication.

Manual & Spring Pumps

Manual and spring discharge pumps

Up to 450-cc Capacity

Reservoir capacities up to 450 cc

50 Lubrication Points

Applications with less than 50 lubrication points

Keep Lubricant Fresh

Total loss system

Cost & Time Savings

Low cost, simplified installation and operation

Why do you need Manual Cyclic Pumps?

Ensure equipment lubrication points are receiving lubrication.

Right Lubricant

Eliminate application of the wrong lubricant, avoiding costly cross contamination issues.

Right Amount

Eliminate under or over application of lubricant.

Eliminate Safety Hazards

Increase safety with installation in hard to access locations.

Learn More From Lubricology