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Less is more when it comes to micro-dispensing - a little lubricant goes a long way in cutting out friction and heat.

Precision dispensers apply minimal lubricant for metal cutting.
Friction and heat at the tool chip interface eliminated.
Lubricants virtually consumed during machining operation.
Residue-free machine surfaces and work pieces.
Eliminates airborne mist.

Why do you need Micro-Dispensing?

Micro-dispensing minimizes friction and heat by utilizing precision dispensers which apply a small amount of lubricant to the machine tool.

Safer Metal Cutting

By minimizing the use of cutting fluids in metal cutting, micro-dispensing improves workplace safety and addresses environmental concerns.


Micro-dispensing reduces lubricant usage, leading to cost savings and increased profitability.

Precision Machining

Micro-dispensing minimizes heat and friction with precision dispensers, resulting in higher quality workpieces.

Learn More From Lubricology