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1235 Hickory Street
Pewaukee, WI 53072 USA

Oil Absorbent Products

Oil absorbent products offer superior protection from spills, drips, and overspray which can quickly become safety issues.

Total Absorbency

Absorbs a variety of spills

Easy-Tear Perforations

Convenient perforations

Absorbency Varieties

Multiple variations available

Why Do You Need Oil Absorbent Products?

Perforated roll absorbents, drum top and floor pads, as well as corn cob socks will wick and absorb oils and fluids and provide easy clean up.

Highly Effective

Using absorbent materials, such as pads, mats and socks, is a highly effective way to clean up oil spills in the workplace.


USDoL states that slips, trips, and falls account for approximately 25% of reported claims of general industrial accidents. 

Cost Savings

Accident costs to employer and worker can be substantially reduced with economical precautionary equipment.